Wednesday, January 9, 2013

THE HUMAN CANVAS - Fancy Footwork!

Was FUN!

I know I say that a lot, but hey.
And based on the above photo, I was
gonna call this one "Tripping On Your Feet",
but after admiring that pedi, I instead went with
"Fancy Footwork".
The blends accomplished
for this exercise came simply from
using QUITE the variety
of ultra-fine...


...And the addition of another color...

...Or two...

...Or three or four or so.

Now flip that foot 90 degrees for a quick inspection...

...Add just a bit of background.
JUST enough to make it stand out a bit...

And we're pretty much done - with this part.

Sadie (the person at the top of these feet) 
and I had been talking about a design that would
encompass both a sun and a moon. All the designs 
I came up with... Designs combining the two - well,
I didn't like. I also looked to the web, and found
some really cool YARD art, but 
not really great body art.

So I think it was Sadie
who suggested simply putting a sun on one foot,
and a moon on the other.
Workin' upside down for this part,
again - using a few different colors to
make it a little less "flat".

And here we go back
to the blending method of starting with
a dark blue...

...And pulling it out and
spreading it with a lighter blue.

Flip that foot over (again), and I think we're good.

Especially when ya line it back up with the other.
And again... dig that pedi!

Smooth out a few lines,
and step back for a POV...

...And then out to another rug. 
One that went really well with the drawing.

Thanks Sadie.
I don't think this will
be the tattoo idea you were looking for,
but it sure was a fun drawing!
Thanks again!
And you...
Reading this right now...
If I count these as TWO drawings
(I really really debated this), they would count as Human Canvas drawings #98 and #99.
Come back soon for The 100th Drawing!

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