Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Human Canvas at the After-Party!

Meet Ralphyy.  
And that's NOT a typo.

A koi has become kinda quick by now...

Still though...

I DO like to get the step-by-step shots.

This'n turned out well, and it's a cool process...

Which makes for a cool slideshow, if yer so equipped.

Meet Ralphyy Bardoux, guitarist with 
Dead End Gypsies.

I'd gone to see Cam Loves LLND 
at The Wire in Upland California. When Ralphyy 
walked into the venue, dark as it was, I thought Vinnie 
Vincent was walking up to the stage to sat hi to Cam. 

It was DARK, okay? And out here, you really, truly, DON'T know who's gonna walk into ANY club.

It was a cool night, 
with Cam's band being the best of the evening. Original material (I do believe) throughout their set.

Rounding out the group - Tommy Lopez on drums, and brothers Adam and Ryan V, on lead guitar and bass, respectively. 

I met Cam through another 
friend out here, and I have to say... 

His story got my attention.

Cam introduced himself to me by 
saying that due to some unfortunate circumstances 
(which I don't know if I should go into here), 
he had died - then been brought 
back to life. 

He did some musical reorganization, 
has been cranking out new material, and recently 
appeared onstage with Carlos Cavazo 

(you know...the guy who 
replaced Randy Rhodes in Quiot Riot? 
Now in Ratt? Yeah, him).

Cam told me all this, and my first thought was, 
"Jesus! He got to play with Carlos Cavazo? 
At THAT age?"

It wasn't until WAYYYYyyyyy... 
later that I thought to myself, "Wait a minute. 
Did he say he died, and was 
brought back?"

But that's another story.

It was great to catch this band, 
though Cam told me later that the size of the 
venue severely prohibited some choreography which 
would normally be included. 

I'd totally go see these guys again though. 
And I truly appreciate being invited to the after-party. 
This is where the Human Canvas session 
with Ralphyy took place. 

Besides Ralphyy, 
I did another canvas that night. 
Unfortunately, this is the only photo from that one. 
I think I kinda petered out on the mid-section, toward 
the tail. I DO however like the color blend on the 
TIP of the tail. I also quite like the head, 
and the little burst of fire.

Oh well. Ever learning. 
I DID crank out a REALLY nice dragon 
on a friend a few weeks later. 
We'll get to that.

Having to work rather early 
in LA the next day, Ryan was amongst 
the the first to leave. While I WAS able to get 
right next to the stage for some photos earlier in the 
evening, Ryan was always on the other side. 
So - he DID oblige me with a photo 
on his way out the door. 

But given his look, the photo didn't seem quite right... 

Until we struck a fitting pose.

Thanks again to everyone, 
canvas or not, involved in making this night a success! 
It was a great night of great music. Also, some new friends, 
and the continuing adventures of the Human Canvas... 
In all SORTS of surroundings!

Thanks again, Cam.

And thank YOU.
For stopping by, for spreading the word, 
And MAYBE even for being the next canvas! 

I'm ALWAYS looking!

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