Monday, July 9, 2012

The Human Canvas - Rock Autism! 2012


I was recently at a really
cool music event in Yucaipa, California...
Rock Autism - presented by the Autism Society - Inland Empire.

Some great music...

 ...And vendors...

And I got to hang out at the KVCR booth,
drawing puzzle pieces on people for a donation of any
amount to The Autism Society - Inland Empire.

First Priya...

um... Priya.

Then Alyssa, who was there representing KVCR.

She found it painful!

Well, maybe not.

From the website, Pinning Down Autism:
The puzzle piece logo was first created in 1963 by the National Autistic Society. They explain “that the symbol of the Society should be the puzzle, as this did not look like any other commercial or charitable one as far as they could discover. The puzzle piece is so effective because it tells us something about autism: our children are handicapped by a puzzling condition; this isolates them from normal human contact and therefore they do not 'fit in'.”

Since then, the interlocking, mutli-colored puzzle piece has become the international symbol of autism. Its significance has become multi-faceted. For some it represents the mystery and complexity of the disorder, for others it represents the mechanical nature of an autistics persons thought process. The bright colors are said to represent hope.

There were a few kids who wanted a piece done...

...Including one who had been waiting around until I got
back from wandering the site.

While it was (mostly) only puzzle pieces done that day, on many of the pieces, I found myself (unconciously) color coordinating with what they were wearing...

Or in this case,
coordinating with what was already tattooed.
She already had the four primary-colored puzzle pieces.
I provided the red and green ones.

This next wandering festival-goer got a piece to
match her clothing...

...Then it was back to Alyssa for a Sharpie
color-blending demo. I was talking with a KVCR friend
who was curious about "this whole
Sharpie thing I do."

Some of the coordinators for the event didn't
escape getting Sharpied.

Above and below, Theresa McFarland -  on the board of directors, Autism Society - inland empire...

Along with Beth Burt - 
President, Autism Society - Inland Empire

They each got something to go with their shirt.

Then, in between other festival-goers,
back to Alyssa.

(Below, a nice happenstance with the shadows)

Believe me - she woulda been COVERED
if I'd had my way. She was actually prepared to be
covered, too. Well, I missed THAT boat,
didn't I?

 Next time maybe?
On then to other patrons, volunteers, and wanderers.

I'll close with the shot I opened with.
Possibly the coolest that day, and (oddly enough)
something I hadn't considered doing. Interlocking
some pieces that is.

Thanks to ALL involved!
Again, each one of these pieces was done for a
financial contribution (again, of ANY amount) to the
Autism Society, Inland Empire. I had a LOT of fun
hanging out doing this, and I've run into
people since then who had fun as well.

Even a guy who got out of his
car (while blocking me in) to come over and shake
my hand when he recognized me
from the event.


Thanks for stopping by and checking this out.
And thanks for telling ANYONE about this site.


Thanks for being the next canvas.
Please check back. I should have another session
posted every few days until I catch up!

Meantime, you can ALWAYS catch the beginnings of all these Human Canvas adventures through a couple of tabs nears the top of the page "The Human Canvas - the beginning", "The human Canvas 2011" and "The Human Canvas 2012"

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