Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Human Canvas part 3 - Marci

Before going to Kentucky, Marci and I had chatted about "The Human Canvas". She said, "I have a great back." (She does.)The wheels started turning. All of these so afar had been rather impromptu...

But now I started thinking about a much larger piece. I actually started planning...and even practicing. These "practice" pieces will be posted later. This is the night of January 3rd, 2011.

This koi, including my "practices" or "experiments", is the 5th one attempted.

So this orange one makes the 6th.

Some black. To define...and make it pop just a bit.

I used more fine-line on the gold koi.

We could have called it quits right here, but I had much more in mind.

So again...this could have been a finishing point. Right? Noooooooo.

With this final light blue being used to fill in the background, the unmarked parts of her flesh are now set off as another color in the piece...highlighting the clouds, the pagoda, and the koi.

And finally...filling in those missing corners down below.


All the others had been much quicker sessions - 15 to 20 minutes. This one was around 2 to 2 1/2 hours. But we were happy with the results.  

Thank You Marci!

For the beginnings of this adventure, please refer to the tab for "The Human Canvas" near the top of the page.


  1. Anytime ;) It's a beautiful piece. You are a gifted individual and I'm honored to have been a canvas.

  2. Marci- You do have a great back! I love the artwork too. Very neat, pretty and different! That would be an amazing exhiibit!

  3. This is awesome! David you did such a great job! You have an amazing talent.

  4. Hot canvas!! This was my old "pseudo-girlfriend" back in the day. My loss. :) Awesome work Dave!!
