I think is my favorite!
the Human Canvas is not my work at all.
This is the handywork...
(((I tell ya, that's NOT gonna get old)))
This is the handywork...
(((I tell ya, that's NOT gonna get old)))
...of my Goddaughter.
To protect her anonymity, we'll just
refer to her as Kalynn Smothers.
This next one I love...
for many reasons. With stage makeup,
pastels on paper, body paint or whatever,
it's fun to play with the skeletal system.
And corpuscles.
I truly love,
not only the idea of this piece,
but the use of blending and fading.
It's TOO easy to forget to do this. And this
adds to the "controlled randomness" that I've
really come to love - when working with
Sharpies, pastels... or even paint.
(((Yeah. I actually work on PAPER sometimes!)))
It's also fun to say "corpuscles".
Try it. Right now.
I don't care where you are.
On the following piece -
I'm still trying to figure out if it
says anything. I LOVE the design, and while
that silver doesn't contrast with the skin very much,
it shows NICELY with the blue.
Next, somewhere in
the faux-henna world (which is creeping up
on MY list of Human Canvas sessions), I
love the continuity as it bridges
the gaps in the fingers.
This next... I just DON'T know what it is.
But I know I like it.
A continuation from the other side?
Or a different day - same feel?
Quite often,
as I look around for something
interesting to draw, often I settle on my own hand.
A hand is NOT easy to draw, but it's a wonderful
exploration in perspective, shape, shading,
and line quality.
Probably more, but this ain't a lecture.
But to close ...
Back to my FAVORITE bit of handywork.
At least for this first wave. I know there's more to come.
I hope so.
Thank you "Kalynn".
Another Padawan, who I think will do well.
I can't thank Valerie and Ray enough,
for allowing - maybe even encouraging this.
It would be beyond immodest to imagine that I've
directly influenced this, this...
this type of behavior.
Though with my own Human Canvas series,
I can't imagine I've done much in the world of
DIS-couraging this, this...
this type of behavior.
And recently,
after a trip to Boulder,
it was SUCH a pleasure to hear of
little Lola using perspective in her drawings,
and INSISTING she carry a sketchbook
on her hike.
She's 7.
It's nice to feel sometimes
like there's been some sort of positive
impact on someone.
But back to this -
Whoever or whatever's to blame (or credit)
for this,
I'm proud of you, "Kalynn".
And just as I sat there hoping she'd continue with this,
another one popped up!
JUST in time for Halloween:

A Mummy Hand! I love this!
"Kalynn", ya made my morning,
AND afternoon!
I'm sure I'll keep posting these,
every time we get another 1/2 dozen...
or so.
Thanks again.

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