Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Human Canvas - Guerilla Koi!

I know. I know.
That's not a guerilla. That's a butterfly.
I was on a trip
back to Kentucky to spend time with my parents.
I did get SOME other visits in, but many were like
some sort of guerilla theatre.
Pop in... do ya thing... make ya statement... go.

This is how the Human Canvas sessions used to be.
And that's what they were THIS trip.
And no matter what it looks like
in the picture below...
I really WAS trying to gesture
toward the drawing. That's Susan and Doug.
These are folks I've known for more years than any
age Susan may admit to.
Jessica, pictured below, I only met that night.
Maybe 20 or 30 minutes earlier.
She was serving beer
at the place we chose to throw some darts.
As she was doing so, I complimented her on her
cherry blossom tattoo on the other arm. A game or
so later, I told her we were getting ready to leave,
but wanted to put a koi on her before I did.

She was up for it.

Then on the Sunday before I left,
I found myself at a lonely ol' railroad crossing...
Just a sittin', contemplatin'...
Then in the moonlight, this girl appeared.
She batted her eyes and said, "Why, hey there.
Why you sittin' there all by yo'self with that there
sack fulla Shahpies?"

"Oh yeah? Is THAT the case?
Well dahlin' it would be downright inhospitable
if I was to NOT offer you up a piece of canvas
to draw on, I must say."

Sometimes the South is quite lovely.
That lonely old railroad crossing was actually
at a renovated freight depot which serves as the
Murray-Calloway County Community Theatre.
That Southern Belle was actually an old friend.
One who has been a canvas before.
So she knew what to do.

We were in the dressing room of the theatre,
where she had just changed out of costume
some 30 minutes earlier.

Marci was also the recipient
of the first couple of koi that I ever PUT on a person,
as well as the first large back-piece I ever attempted.
Link to that session HERE.

Koi have become VERY quick by now,
in that they're not so much drawings, per se,
as they are "controlled smears." Blends of color with
a bit of direction and detail.

And then, a bit of black to add to the definition,
and to make it "pop" just a bit.

"Hey. Looky here, lil' lady.
Saddle on up to the makeup mirror
and get yerself a looksee. Ya like that there koi?"

"Well I was right proud to have put it there."

Thank you Marci.
This session was once again
one that wasn't planned ahead of time...
back to that guerilla attack form of tagging. Sorta.
Except I forgot to sign it. I did have a REALLY cool
session with my Goddaughter while I was in town.
That one WAS planned out, but only to
a certain extent.
We'll get to that one next.

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