Friday, August 3, 2012

The Human Canvas - A Tree of Life & New Beginnings


There we go. So...

Meet Mike.

Mike had shown me
some pictures of his dorm, which included 
something REALLY cool that he had created.
We'll get to that in a bit.

Meantime - the photos he showed me...
and the story he told...

That's what led to this session - with
something quite specific in mind. I told him about it.
He was up for it.

It started with a bit of a wash - just a
smear of some color for use in the background.

A long time ago,
this smear was the UNsuccessful
attempt at erasing. Now it's become another
method for me to employ. Something
I tried out just earlier this year.
To do this...

...Which became this...

...And finally - this.

THIS - was a COOL experiment.
But back to Mike.

After the wash, we start
with a bit of a "Tree of Life" kinda picure.

Then we go back in with another wash.
This one ends up being simply a light green at the
 base of the tree. The important thing though
is that it remains more subtle - allowing
the tree to be just a BIT
more bold. 

After that... have the earth crumbling away beneath it.

A bit more detail...

...And now let's talk
about those pictures from his dorm.

This wonderful tree you see
in the picture below was done with Sharpie,
and created over a long period of time. If you were
able to look close, you MIGHT see that this tree is made up entirely of writing.

You'd have to look REALLY close.
He did the writing as a rather personal journal,
and kept it rather hard to read. It was something public,
yet hidden. A retrospective AND existential

AND a wonderful art project.

But since this writing/drawing of the
tree in his dorm was a rather cathartic release for him...

...I wanted that earth crumbling
away beneath the "Tree of Life" to end up in a pool.
A cooling, calming place...

A place to find some peace...

...A place for re-birth.

Thanks Mike.
Thanks for the canvas... and the story and pictures which inspired it.

And thank YOU for stopping by.
And for being next. I'm always looking for the next canvas.

To see ALL the adventures
of The Human Canvas,  there are a few
tabs near the top of the page.

"The Human Canvas - The Begining" "The Human Canvas 2011" and The Human Canvas 2012"

Thanks again for looking... AND for spreading the word to a new audience/group of potential canvases.


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