Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Human Canvas - Artists in Action - The Vault, part 2

Remember Roxi?
She got the first piece of
the night at the previous week's Artists in Action
at The Vault. The Vault is about my favorite watering
hole in Redlands, and it didn't take much for me to want
to be a part of this. Learn more about NerdPop,
Rob Mardis, and everyone involved in making
these events happen with
a click HERE.
Or for it to be publicized again.
I sure didn't mind. No matter what I've done,
or who I've been fortunate to have
been able to interview...
It's still kinda cool
to have my art up on a flyer somewhere.
Even if it's mostly online. Much of my art
washes off in a couple of days.

The previous week saw
Roxi getting a butterfly. One of my
earliest REALLY cool sessions involved
a LOT of butterflies, and the model suggesting
I start the piece on one leg, and continue it onto
the other. You can link to that session HERE.
Again - a fun one!
For reasons I won't go into here,
my heart goes out to her today as I write this,
but I CAN'T draw a butterfly without thinking of her.
At least a bit. And butterflies are close to my favorite
thing to draw (on a person) nowadays.
This week I was QUITE fortunate
to have my friend Mike Munoz serve as
photographer for me. He's done so several
times in the past, and this REALLY frees me up...
...And let's me stay in the moment...
And just - draw a butterfly.
Or two. 
Really, having Mike
there also really helped to
get more of these "step-by-step" photos,
without me having to time away from drawing.

I mean...
Beyond the whole thing about
"getting out of the zone," it just takes
a LOT of time to stop and photograph.

Especially when
I'm quite fond OF these progression shots.

So it's nice that I can do these relatively quickly.
Quick enough that the model still
has the energy to smile.

Even AT the camera.

Done with these two.

So let's start a third!

That third one turned out nicely!
So of course we couldn't be done without
me stepping back and deciding on a fourth 
for this loose shirt to frame so nicely. It was really
the color and flow OF the shirt that got this all going.
So I think we were able to call this back-piece done.
And then move on to the front!
Really - just for one more somewhat
stationary step-by-step.
But again though.
Lookey how the shirt hangs.
SOMEBODY had to put a butterfly there.
HAD to. I'm glad I was there.

And then to the back
of the bar for a great, well, backdrop for this back.
Thank you SO much Roxi.
And to Courtney,
I wouldn't even BE drawing
butterflies (on people) if it weren't for you.
Thanks again for getting this going, in a way.
Again - something I now LOVE to do,
can do well, and can do
relatively quickly.
You remain on my mind as I type,
and will be again when I revisit this page.
Thank you for something special.

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