Friday, August 23, 2013

The Human Canvas - Here... Be Lizards! Arrrrr! And Butterflies and Flowers! Arrrr.

Here be dragons.
The photos above and below 
are simply a few (relatively) recent favorites.
Many a time, with a session involving a dragon, it's
can link TO those sessions if you click on the titles. The
Smaug mention seems to have gotten some extra traffic
to some of these postings. Mentions of keywords like
Smaug, The Hobbit, JRR Tolkein, The Lord of the
Rings, Bilbo Baggins, Orlando Bloom...
More I'm sure.
The above photo
came from a session called
"A No Frills Dragon," and the one below
was titled "St George and the Dragon." Again,
click on the titles to link to the sessions. With that,
I was able to call attention to some cool 
mythology AND my (perhaps)
favorite Toto album. 

Now with that out of the way,
we have the obligatory Hobbit AND Toto reference.
Bring on the accidental traffic!
On a recent trip to
Costa Rica, my wife had been talking up
my human Canvas work, and had a few anxious
canvasses approaching me soon.  Some of Priya's
students have become canvasses - and future
canvasses for me, so I was like,
"Cool. Bring 'em on!"
Turns out they were all severely under 18,
so until I hear from their parents - no faces or
names are included. They all stayed pretty active
during their stay, but then... doncha know... it started 
raining. Like - that Costa Rican rain you only hear about.
We actually had great weather while we were there,
but then we got that rain. You know. That
Costa Rican rain you
only hear about.
In Puerto Rico I begrudgingly discovered
that it's just TOO muggy in the Caribbean and
tropics to draw on people...
Most of the time.

The rain actually gave us
a chance to sit still in an air conditioned
room long enough for the humidity soaked skin to
dry a bit.
The first wanted a lizard.

We had talked about
my love for (drawing) serpents,
fish, flowers... anything with a flow and
potential blend of color. Hard nowadays to
NOT work in several colors, but in all honesty,
I'm doing a Henna inspired piece on my own
hand in between typing.
Never drawn a lizard before, but hey!
How different are they from dragons - eh?
Well, this little gecko-ish fella, while not my best,
gave me a chance to play with colors and
do a bit of blending.
And she was QUITE happy with it.
Her mom filmed the session by the way.
I REALLY hope to see it.

Next - again by request - A Butterfly.
La eme es por La Mariposa. Butterflies are no
stranger - AT ALL (link HERE) to my pens, but
each one is always a bit different than any other.
She, like the other two canvasses, chose to NOT
look until it was done...

...And she also
was QUITE QUITE happy with the result.
As was I. And those two little ones were such an
after-thought, but I think they really help the
other one stand out.

The last girl asked for a flower.
Specifically, a flower with a stem that had
a bit of a flow, or swirl, or movement of some sort.
But it couldn't be too big, or her dad might get mad.
Too big? It was a tiny calf that was presented. But that's
what I gave her. She loved it, and I have to say, it's
amongst some of my favorites that I've done thus.
Even though it's QUITE
similar to several.
A few other (relatively) recent favorite flowers...
Quite happy with the Heather on Heather, and the
pieces on Marci were pretty cool too.
This next one was rather quick.
SO SO quick. It went on Priya's foot in about
three or four minutes as we watched
That 70's Show or something.
But back now to the one in Costa Rica.
Really proud of this'n.

Thank you Priya...
Thank you three unnamed students...
and thank YOU for being next.
And with this session published,
there's only one more that I've done that
has yet to make it to these pages. That'll be soon.
And it was SO cool!
Please check back soon!

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