Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Human Canvas - Artists in Action - The Vault, part one

Rob Mardis 
had been organizing these
events all over the region. ALL over.
Anaheim to San Diego... And then inland to Redlands.
And it gave me a chance to ink up a few people.
Here's Roxi. You'll be seeing her a bunch.
And a buncha butterflies as well.
Rob's been part
of making art happen in
The Inland Empire for quite some time.
This bit at The Vault - only his latest. It encompasses
so much though, and you can find out more with a
click HERE. This'll explain NerdPop, some new
comics coming up REALLY soon, games,
and so much more.
When I read of the event on Facebook,
seeing there was, well, some sort of gathering
where people were drinking, drawing on tables,
drinking, and listening to music, all while drinking
and drawing on tables... well, of course
I left a comment like,
"Hm. Seems like an
environment RIPE for Human Canvas sessions."
Rob replied rather quickly with,
"I could make a flyer."
In about 5 minutes I saw this:
Wow !
WAY cool!
Done and done then.
I knew what I'd be doing in a couple nights.
Of course we saw
some familiar images coming up.
But the folks who had read of the event
were there to have fun...
...and get inky with a friend.
All to be part of this Artists in Action at The Vault.
And maybe it doesn't show in the picture...
...But they were having a good time.
I did only 5 pieces this night,
including this Sugar Skull. I wasn't as happy
as I could be with the result. Not horrified, mind you,
but it was only the second time I'd drawn one of these
on someone, and I hadn't thought
about proper structure.

On this angled photo,
it seems fine, but I've done a few
since that I was QUITE proud of.
And I feel I owe her another.

The only other piece that night
was on my own hand. Still being April,
it was easy to just draw another puzzle piece.

I'd only done 50 or so that month already.
And the next day it got some polka dots
to sort of break it up just a bit.
I was there again next Thursday,
saw Roxi again, and she got
another butterfly or two.
Or maybe it was 5.
Tune in next time. These are a good thing,
& I hope they continue. But thanks for
stopping by for this one.

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