Monday, October 28, 2013

The Human Canvas and tiny, TINY arms at the Fall Fest

Fall Fest 2013.
This first annual event was presented 
by the Santa Ana River Trust and the 
Inland Empire Water Keeper.

I've been asked 
how long it takes to do a Human Canvas piece. 
That varies quite a bit, and for this event, I tried to list 
a bunch of Fall or water-themed pieces - ones that I could 
do in 4-6 minutes. The above water droplet ended up 
being one of my favorites from that day, even though 
it was SO simple and quick. Two shades of
 blue - then accented with black. 
That's it.

This leaf was maybe the funniest.
Funniest in that her parents wheeled her up... 

....And said, 
"You can get her quick while she's asleep."

The next is one that 
I truly wanna try on a much larger scale. 
I was calling these "Halloween Trees".  Just a bare 
tree with a moon and sky in the background. And when 
I say larger scale - really - ANYTHING bigger than this. 
I don't think I drew on a single adult at this festival. 
This usually meant tiny, tiny, TINY arms... 

...Which meant this tree ended up being about 2 inches tall. Close to the same in width. Tiny, tiny, TINY arms made 
it a bit more difficult, occasionally giving me a few 
pieces that could've gotten better detail.

Speaking of which, 
there WERE several pieces that 
I would've liked more detail on, though I 
did enjoy the variety of color.

The Sea Turtle was requested several times...

As was the seahorse, the colors used either by request, or picked to match whatever they were wearing, and...

A few other familiar favorites.
There were a couple of Cliffords...

...A few roses...

(a green one was requested)

Some butterflies (always fun, and well received)....

And our old friend, the koi.

Not just the koi, though. We got this little fish...

And one guy asked for this wonderful jellyfish...

And another wanted a chameleon.

I had a photograph of 
some of my puzzle pieces from 
the last couple of autism events, so while not 
fall or water related, I was happy to answer this request. 

And I have to say, 
I was quite happy with how it turned out.
Okay - totally away from the fall/water theme now, 
but how could I NOT fulfill this next request.

She plays a pink trumpet. That's what she wanted.
The next girl want a heart. Plain and simple. But I have problems doing something "just plain and simple." 
So she got this.

The next girl (God bless her) 
wanted something "a bit dark... or gothic maybe."

And the next (back to this time of year) simply 
asked for something to go along with 
her outfit and face-paint.

One more that was fall related, 
the good ol' Jack O'Lantern. Did a few of these as well.

All in all, 
a fun day at another fun festival, 
though I didn't get to SEE any of the rest of it. 
Once I started drawing, it didn't stop for some 4+ hours. 
The organizers of the event even had to move my table (at 
least once) because the line of kids waiting to be next 
was blocking traffic to some of 
the other booths.


Got a Christmas (kids) event coming up. 
We'll see if I actually stick with the theme on THAT one.
But the kids had fun.
As did I.

So far so good.

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