Monday, November 12, 2012

THE HUMAN CANVAS - Unleashing a MONSTER... AND a Pink Flamingo!


We'll get back to this.
Believe me!

This NEXT canvas,
Was an unexpected canvas,
Which is always - truly - such a treat.

I was back in Kentucky,
Helping to celebrate my parents,
And their 50th wedding Anniversary!
While there, I ended up doing several Human
Canvas sessions -  at the Big Apple Cafe in Murray,
(you can link to those adventures with a hover
of the mouse up above)
and then, the night
before I left - at my parents house.
Coldwater, Kentucky.
Man, I was all

No big mystery as to what this is going to be.
A flamingo has a rather - ohhhhh - obvious shape
and generally recognizable stance
and whatnot.

It's mentioned in the title.

But I like to catch the step-by-step photos.
I enjoy SEEING the process, but I also enjoy being REMINDED of it later. Trying to remember
what lines were where...
and why.

The flamingo here is landing on Alesa.
She was Mom's boss at the time of her retirement
(and subsequent coming back in, retiring, coming
back in, retiring... etc.)

I'm told she has
flamingos all over her place.
I mean... ALL over her place.
I have yet to see, but
as of THIS night...

She really IS one step closer
to having flamingos all over the place.

ALL over the place.
Now take the time to notice
the pink of the flamingo, with the sweatshirt,
with the nails...

...and with the stance...

Thank you.

That was the night before I left Kentucky.
The MORNING before I left...

I knew what I was
gonna draw on her before I started, but
it was still rather impromptu.


It went rather quickly.
Especially since I forgot to take
very many step-by-step shots.

A rather
innocent looking piece.
At least here, at Mom and Dads house.
...But it got her
searched at the airport!
After she got back home, she
stumbled accross an image online,
which was strikingly similar to what I'd
put on her arm.
There's barely a day
that goes by without her and I
exchanging images and ideas for the next piece.
The next pieces.
There've already been six since
that day in Kentucky. A couple of years ago,
she said to herself, "there's no WAY I'm gonna
let him draw on me".
Now she admits...
She can't wait for the next.
I've created a monster.

Her name is Lenore.
And she walks by night!

SO much more to come!
C'mon back.

And I can't wait either.
Thank you Lenore.

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