Meet Lil' Dave. We were both at KVCR at the same point, so I was Dave - or David - and he was Lil' Dave. Every Thursday, between roller derby matches - and the subsequent healing of fractures, he goes to a San Bernardino bar with some friends. It's a Thursday tradition. One night...he wanted to show off just a bit.
So this allowed ME to show off just a bit.
One of Dave's next tats may be an Alice in Wonderland design - wrapping around his leg.
This was to be shown off at a bar that we stuck with making a shoulder-piece.
I was having major camera difficulties that day...but you get the idea.
In retrospect, I really meant to have the "hole into Wonderland" just in front of Alice. Also - the Cheshire Cat doesn't show up 'til later. I always mess this up. I need to work on remembering that rabbit.
Other problem was...after finishing his left shoulder, the REAL tattoo on his right shoulder looked a bit washed out.
So...I added a border...
A really quick "framing job" - just to make both shoulders look just as fresh.
The folks at the bar were happy - as was Dave. The next step will be to get all of his friends at the bar inked up, then LINED up for a photo. We'll see.