Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Human Canvas - Which King?

The Witch King of Angmar.
Head of the Nazgul. Chief amongst the ringwraiths.
And the next Human Canvas.

MIKE was the Human Canvas here. 
The Witch King was simply the latest subject matter.
The first time Mike was a canvas, I altered one of his tattoos. 
A tattoo which had yet to be detailed and colored.
You can see just a BIT of it below.

And then the completed version.

 On this next one - again - it was a tattoo outline only.
Some horns were added, and the goatee was 
extended and split. Then the flames. 

A (simple, yet) new technique I'd been using to great effect. 
So then - on to that witch-king.  He had it in black 
ink only, and was always wanting a bit more. 
That's where I came in.

We had plans for making it wrap around, 
tying in with his other tattoos. It woulda taken a bit 
of time, but this was image number 300, and it 
should HAVE been a cool one.

A castle then had to be discovered...


...attacked by a dragon...

...and set on fire.

After that it was a 
matter of trying to add some 
color and depth to the witch king. 
Slowly adding shades until we get some life going.

To tie in the clover, 
it was gonna be an Irish flag, 
but this is where we ran out of time.

Mike was being wooed, and had to leave.

That is, 
a Woo was on the phone for him, 
convincing him he had to leave.  I stuck 
in some more flames rather quickly to sort of 
fill some space, but really, number 300 is one 
of very few that never got to a finished point. 
Too bad, as it was going somewhere cool.

Still though - happy with the results we DID get, 
and am thankful for the canvas.

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