Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Human Canvas - A Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

A bit out of order now, 
And still SO many to get to. 
Hate to be behind like this, but glad 
to have a BUNCH now awaiting publication.

Had several cool experiences in Boulder...
But that'll have to wait. I'm just gonna 
have to crank these out every few 
days until I'm caught up.

So here we are with Lil' Dave. 
He's provided canvas for me several times by now, 
and I'm sure there'll be many 
more in the future.

This session involved 
me stacking a bunch of spheres, 
shading as I went. This is much like 
what I did with Songhammer. It's a recent post, 
relative to this one. You can scroll down, 
or I'll get a link to it soon.

Dave's a fan of anything 
Alice in Wonderland, so that was a 
part of the reason for this particular session.

Like I said... he's a fan. There was plenty of inspiration around the room.

Grab a bit more pink. Oops.

Grab a bit more pink...

...And work in that hookah.

Shade it with blue, 
in case I want to go darker here and there... 
Step back and look again...

...Then back to it.

At this point, just playing with treys, blending, and adding some black to define...

And then we were done. 
It was much later before I realized 
I had forgotten to give 
him little arms...

But here's the shot I was after.
Okay. Shots.

And then he finally got to check it out in the mirror. 
It was later before he saw the 
shots with the backdrop.

Thanks again Dave. 
You'll be seeing him again.

1 comment:

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