Monday, January 9, 2012

The Human Canvas - NOT Sleepless in Seattle


Whatcha see below is the closest thing we had to a clear sky. 

So...I did what I was hoping to do.


I mean...we DID plenty. The space needle, Pike Place Market, A great bookstore and a couple of great used cd and record shops. Even an evening of great jazz. And...of course...

...another installment in The Human Canvas! 

This was on a new friend, Maya. She and I had talked about a lotus flower. What I ended UP Not so lotus flowery? But...whatever. She liked the drawing I had done on paper a few minutes before, and we went with THAT. A BIT lotus flowery, but really...Continuing this recently begun experiment involving the blending of colors - still, staying with Sharpies.

I tell ya...while rubbing alcohol works best...

An alcohol-based body spray WILL do the trick...

...but it WILL make the room smell funny. Not "funny ha-ha" OR "funny strange", but rather - "funny in the cheap, bought at Walgreen's only minutes before 'cause it was alcohol based and you really didn't KNOW that it would smell like that but you can't bring your rubbing alcohol on the airplane 'cause it's more than the allowed number of ounces and even putting it into a smaller bottle looks suspicious at the security checkpoints thank you 911 but at least they WILL let you by with 30-50 sharpies" kinda way.

I don't know if YOU ever go through that, but I do.

Thankfully, when you get tired of the "essence of Spring rain" or whatEVER the hell they thought they were capturing...

...old marker will do the trick...kinda. 

Here's the funniest part. While I was drawing, she was texting - to her husband:

A: Whatcha doin', love?
B: Getting a tat.
A: Whaaaaaa?
B: A tattoo.
A: I KNOW what a tat is.
(pause, pause...)
A: Really?
A: Are you there?

The conversation went for just a bit. She enjoyed this so much that it was hard to go back in with some definition...

...while she was laughing.

I THOUGHT I was done...until I decided that it looked a bit like a colorful stingray.

So...I dunno...adding a couple of leaves to make it a bit less stingray-ish?

The final shot was something I didn't use for the blog - despite the fact that it was quite nice. She's a bit bashful occasionally and I'm respecting her wishes.

She sent me the below pic to kinda make up for it. She thought it funny. 

I found it hilarious! Almost lost my coffee when I saw it!

Thank you M!

This was the first session of 2012. I think the house-sitter may be next...

...if'n she's still up for it! 

The beginning, and continuation, of these adventures can be found through a couple of tabs near the top of the page; THE HUMAN CANVAS - THE BEGINNING, and THE HUMAN CANVAS II - 2011.

And as always...thank YOU for checking this out! AND for being next! OR for lining up friends to be potential canvases...


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